
This section provides an overview of Introduction.

Dropstone is an AI tool designed to compare, analyze, and integrate different types of code. Dropstone offers a variety of features to streamline these operations. To ensure that you can effectively utilize these features, this brief documentation provides guidance on how to perform operations efficiently and in less time.

Getting Started

Creating an Account

To start using Dropstone, you need to create an account. This account helps us identify you and tailor your experience.


Dropstone has three different text areas where you can organize your code and instructions:


Context1 is where you store the main part of your code. This is considered the primary node, and any changes or modifications will be applied to this context.


Context2 is used to provide a reference or additional parts of code that you may need to implement in Context1. You can specify which sections of Context2 should be used as a reference for changes or integration.


UserPrompt is where you give specific instructions to the AI. Based on the contents of Context1 and Context2, you can direct the AI to perform various actions such as implementation, comparison, finding differences, and more.

Example Workflow

  1. Input Code: Start by pasting your primary code into Context1.

  2. Reference Code: Add any reference code or additional sections into Context2.

  3. Instruction: Use the UserPrompt section to specify what you want the AI to do with the codes in Context1 and Context2.

    For example, you can instruct the AI to:

    • Implement features from Context2 into Context1.
    • Compare the codes in Context1 and Context2.
    • Find differences or similarities between the two contexts.

Tips for Efficient Use

  • Be Specific: The more specific your instructions in the UserPrompt, the better the AI can assist you.
  • Organize Your Code: Clearly separate your code into Context1 and Context2 to avoid confusion.
  • Test and Review: Always review the AI's output and test it to ensure it meets your requirements.


Dropstone provides a structured approach to managing and processing code through its Context1, Context2, and UserPrompt sections. By following this documentation, you can improve Dropstone’s capabilities to enhance your coding efficiency and accuracy.