
This section provides an overview of how memory is accessed.


This document explains how ChatGPT manages memory, context, and interactions based on local cache storage in your browser.

How Memory is Managed

All the memory of your interactions is stored in the local cache storage of your browser. This memory is crucial for maintaining the context of the conversation between different sessions.

How Requests are Processed

Every time you make a request, the following data is processed:

  • CONTEXT1: This refers to the initial context or any preliminary information that was set up at the beginning of the interaction.
  • CONTEXT2: This refers to any subsequent context or additional information added during the conversation.
  • USERPROMPT: This is the input or question you provide during the session.

Each of these elements is fed into the system with every request to ensure continuity and relevance in the conversation.

Interacting with Previous Responses

To interact with a previous response:

  1. Head over to the Chat section.
  2. Type in what you want to do with the previous response (e.g., ask for clarification, continue the conversation, or reference it in a new query).

This process ensures that the system understands the context and can provide responses that are coherent and relevant to your ongoing conversation.

Deleting Cache Data

If you delete the cache data from your browser:

  1. All stored memory related to the conversation is cleared.
  2. Once the cache is deleted, any ongoing session will lose its context.
  3. You will need to start the conversation from the beginning, as there will be no stored memory to reference.

This action is irreversible and will reset the interaction, requiring you to provide all context and prompts anew.


  • The use of local cache storage means that your interaction history is stored locally on your device. This allows for a seamless experience but also means that the memory is limited to your local environment.

  • For extended conversations, it's important to keep in mind that the local storage has limits, and older interactions might be pruned to make room for new data.

  • Deleting cache data will remove all stored memory, requiring a fresh start for any new session.


Understanding how memory and context are handled can enhance your experience by allowing you to leverage previous interactions effectively. By following the simple steps provided, you can ensure that your conversations remain coherent and contextually relevant.