User Actions

This section provides informations about the User Actions with AI for Context Management.


This document outlines the various actions you can perform with AI to manage and manipulate code contexts. These actions revolve around two primary contexts, CONTEXT1 and CONTEXT2, and your input, referred to as the UserPrompt.

Actions You Can Perform

1. Implementation

  • What You Can Do: Apply changes or transfer code between CONTEXT1 and CONTEXT2 based on your instructions in the UserPrompt.
  • How It Works: If you don’t specify which context to prioritize, the AI will prioritize CONTEXT1 by default.

2. Comparison

  • What You Can Do: Request the AI to compare CONTEXT1 and CONTEXT2 and explain their differences or similarities.
  • When to Use: Use this action when you need a detailed comparison to understand the relationship between two code snippets or pieces of information.

3. Finding Differences

  • What You Can Do: Ask the AI to identify and highlight specific differences between CONTEXT1 and CONTEXT2.
  • When to Use: This is particularly useful for pinpointing exact variations, which can help with version control, debugging, or code merging.

4. Removal

  • What You Can Do: Instruct the AI to remove specific code or elements from either CONTEXT1 or CONTEXT2.
  • When to Use: Use this action when you want to clean up code by removing unnecessary or redundant elements based on your prompt.

5. Code Manipulation

  • What You Can Do: Direct the AI to modify, add, or optimize code within CONTEXT1 or CONTEXT2 as per your UserPrompt.
  • When to Use: This action is versatile and covers a wide range of tasks, including enhancing code, fixing bugs, or implementing new features.

Getting Started

To perform any of these actions, simply provide the AI with clear instructions through your UserPrompt. The AI will then carry out the requested operation on CONTEXT1 and CONTEXT2 according to your input.


These actions are just the beginning of what you can do. You are not limited to these options—you can perform virtually any task by leveraging CONTEXT1, CONTEXT2, and your UserPrompt. The possibilities are endless, and the Dropstone is here to help you achieve your goals efficiently and accurately.